Monday, 13 May 2019

Mothers pride, it ain't

It is our desired intent to cruise further when CHS retires. Up until now we have been bridge hopping, mooring near a bridge so we can keep the car parked nearby so CHS can get to work.

To this end we have been working on plans to make this possible. We've had huge solar panels fitted that will run the freezer and the washing machine.
We have looked into buying water butts so we don't need to fill up so often and an elsan so the black water tank doesn't need emptying so often.

CHS has accepted the need for long life milk so the only problem left was bread.

My beloved found a YouTube video some months ago about making no knead bread on a narrowboat.
He has mithered on for months about me making said bread, I've made bread before by hand but needed a no knead loaf to save my joints. And no there is no way CHS would do the kneading, he hates anything sticky. (Stop tittering at the back there).

Anyway I finally succumbed to his ceaseless wittering and made a loaf. It looks ok smells great but I know it was a waste of time.
CHS's taste in bread runs towards soft and squishy with a soft crust. Nothing like the loaf I've made at all. Mothers Pride it ain't! Still the ducks and I will enjoy it.


kate steeper said...

Once upon a time my mother who was no culinary goddess decided to make bread for harvest festival , she always had to be the best at everything so made a huge spectacular sheaf loaf , five years later when i left that school it was still dragged out every was inedible but spectacular

Hettybaker said...

hi, here in Ireland our local bread is no knead made with baking soda. Either white bread or wholemeal. the rcipe will be on web, or I can send it. Jean.

Col said...

My first attempt at bread making was when I was eleven years old. I made rolls, which turned out positively leaden, so we threw them onto the garage roof for the birds, and they were still there, like a mini 'henge' five years later, when, out of pure shame, I climbed a ladder and retrieved them!
My culinary skills have improved somewhat since then:-)

Anonymous said...

I just started making No Knead. Did cheddar, white and whole wheat with honey. Loved them all. They do have a "nice" crust but a moist and tender middle. Can slice 1/4 inch thick and toast. Will need to convert to metric or weight but you can let me know if you want the 5 minute recipe at sweetana3 at yahoo dot com. I now have a scale and can weigh out ingredients.

WendyT said...

Hi Hester, have you thought about the Vacum part baked baguettes, they don't use freezer space either xx

jeannemarie said...

First time commenting, but I love your blog! My son makes bread and kneads it with a Kitchen Aid Mixer with a dough hook that I got on for a few bucks. The KAs are the Swiss knife of the kitchen here in the states. Maybe you have something similar there?

Susan Bell said...

If you use a loaf tin then only the top will be hard.

I love your blog. I have only just found it. So for the past few days I have had the pleasure of catching up. Keep on keeoing on. S

Susan Bell said...

keeping not keeoing

Anonymous said...

And yet you still can’t see why people have suggested
Life would be easier for you in a house!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear THE anonymous still doesn't seem to understand your dry sense of humour. This anonymous does and says "you go girl" I love your stories and the adventure you're making, even if the loaf ends up being fed to the ducks. Mary

Chris said...

That's the type of loaf I like, not just n0-knead but also crusty. I must google the recipe.

Twiggymoon said...

Lmao at anon. I cheat and use a bread maker -appreciate your lack of storage though. I keep mine on the worktop n it takes up a heck of a lot of room! On the plus side my bread maker can also make cakes, jam, dough (obviously) and washes up n mops the floor 🙄😁😄. Hope family member is ok ( I think I’m commenting on wrong post for that one). Keep your chin up 👍🏻Xx

Pat said...

I want one of those bread makers that Twiggymoon has. Not bothered about baking bread but hate washing up and mopping!


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