Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Today I've been on the verge

Once something sets me off I just can't stop.
Firstly Kate and Col's comments made me laugh.
When we took CHS's friend out for lunch CHS was doing his familiar penguin waddle that he has adopted since his stroke and his friend, who occasionally has a dig about me being five years older than CHS, was hobbling along because of the pins in his back. I told them both that it was like being with a couple of geriatrics. This made the friend laugh which caused him even more pain which made me laugh.

After this I read something that someone had written about some staff training that included a gingerbread man, this made me  laugh so much I cried.

After all this the slightest thing set me off.

Sue, thank you, dgd is ok, she has croup, t'other grandma diagnosed whooping cough and scared the bejesus out of everyone. DD spoke to her GP who recommended a trip to A&E, t'other grandma suddenly decided she was too busy to help! I'm no expert but my oldest son was born prem and at that time the whooping cough vaccine was not given before the age of three years old. He caught whooping cough at 22 months, I well remember the distinctive whooping noise. He and another of my kids also regularly developed croup, so I can tell the difference.

Last but not least, I've never watched an episode of Jeremy Kyle, I don't approve of cruelty to animals and the show always seemed to me to be like bear baiting.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Oh, what fun! Two posts from you in one day, thank you Hester. You always make me laugh.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...