Monday, 6 January 2020

A bad day for technology

We don't have a smart tv, just an ordinary one. The tv is however smarter than me. The bloody thing won't change channels. I really need to read up on how to work it properly!

The other problem is with my kindle. I've always read two or three books at the same time, it depends on my mood which book I want to read at different times of the day. Suddenly the kindle decided to delete one of the books I was reading and reset the other two books to page 1, bugger.


justjill said...

Sometimes I think I should pack it all in - modern technology that is.

the veg artist said...

Just a possibility - if you have a remote for the TV, perhaps some of the controls have stuck or worn out - mine did from overusing the pause button. I bought a compatible one from A***** and it's worked fine for over a year. Or maybe it just needs new batteries (although you wouldn't be able to switch it on then!).

We've all been there, though. Did you hear about the man in New York who took his computer into an alley and shot it? They were going to charge him with something like using a firearm in a public place, but I never heard any more.

Joan (Devon) said...

Technology has wormed its way into everything!

Margie from Toronto said...

My TV did that yesterday - again! At least this time I knew what to do - just put new batteries in the remote and it started working again. No idea why - the existing batteries weren't that old - but hey - it worked!

Like you I tend to read more than one book at once - I had a Kobo at one time but couldn't seem to manage more than one book at a time and it just annoyed me. Good luck with getting it sorted as I know space is a real issue for you and a Kindle makes the most sense.

Bettina Groh said...

Go online to where you purchased your Kindle book...go to your library and have the book delivered again

Sewing mamie said...

Some times my kindle seems to take on a mind of its own , I just restart it and hope for the best .

Lyssa Medana said...

I had to get bear to alter the volume on our tv once.

Jo said...

Sometimes my Kindle takes my books back to page 1 too. Very annoying!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...