Wednesday, 15 January 2020

How to get your husband to go to bed early

No, not like that.

The weather was appalling yesterday, I took Beano for a walk as soon as we got back from stroke club and Steve topped up the fire.

We closed all the curtains as it was dismal and dark outside and it helps keep the heat in.

By 6 o'clock we neither of us wanted much to eat as we'd eaten at stroke club, baked fish, mash, peas and Mediterranean vegetables.

At 6:30 I turned on the tv, I didn't have the satellite dish up because of the wind so I looked for something in the library.

I decided to watch the Unforgotten, Steve didn't realise I was watching something prerecorded and suddenly announced that he,was going to bed. He trundled off but within a few minutes he returned.

He thought it was almost 11 o'clock but then noticed his bedside clock said 7:30!


Pat said...

A way to get a husband to bed early after an exhausting day with dementia is to alter the clocks! A last resort but necessary sometimes.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Actually after a bad night a couple of nights ago I could have gone tobed at 7.30 last night but managed to stay up later otherwise I would have been awake about three.

ShellyC said...

I remember my Nan doing that once. Took her self off to bed and woke up at 8 O'Clock got dressed and went to sweep the front path. Came back in and said why is it so overcast outside. She had thought it was 8am not pm. Oh dear. One of many instances.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...