Thursday, 30 January 2020

Towpath conversations

I was once told by a lady hire boater that I needed to hurry up and fill the lock I was operating, faster.

It seems she had arranged to meet friends in Bath the following day.

This conversation took place by the Rowbarge pub in Woolhampton, the trip to Bath would take an experienced boater with a crew 6 or 7 days.

She had never been on a boat before and her crew consisted of two small girls aged about 8 years old.

I explained that the lock couldn't be filled any faster as it was dangerous to open the paddles fully to start with. 

She carefully explained it would be quicker if I opened gates instead of just the paddles.

It is impossible to open the gates until the water levels are the same either side.

I also told her that she didn't have a cat in hell's chance of getting to Bath by the following day.

To which she replied that the hire boat company had told her the same thing, but that when she said she was going to do something, nothing would stop her.

She also informed me that it was only an hour and a half drive to Bath so obviously she could manage the journey in the boat if only people like me would work harder!

I often wonder how far she got before she realised she really couldn't get to Bath in a day.


Sewing mamie said...

Well this made me and hubby laugh , it is amazing who stupid some people can be .

Angela said...

I do hope that she got there safely. The "nothing will stop me" attitude can so easily lead to foolish impatient decisions.

WorcsAnnie said...

What did she think you were the hired help. I would have told her to open her own bloody gates if she thought she could do it quicker. Rude mare!!!

ShellyC said...

Cheeky mare, would have left her to sort out the lock herself

Tracy said...

I am now thinking of Hyacinth 'Bucket' skippering a hire boat!

Anonymous said...

I do worry sometimes about how badly we humans treat each other. You were simply giving good advice.

Words fail

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...