Friday, 31 January 2020

Smoke alarms

I don't understand the concept of testing the smoke alarms every month.

Mine get tested every time I turn the fecking oven or grill on.

They aren't smoke alarms, they are cooking alarms!


Emmbee said...

My family think that the smoke alarm is the dinner bell.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Several years ago our smoke detector used to be located nearer to the kitchen, and would often go off when I was cooking. That was when I still used to get PMS. I got so aggravated with it on one particular difficult day and I took the broom to it and knocked it to the floor and broke it. We had to move it to a slightly different location to save my sanity.

Poppypatchwork said...

I share your pain.

Sewing mamie said...

Ours goes of regularly hubby says it is tiny spiders getting inside , it drives the dogs potty .

Angela Almond said...

Like Emmbee above, my lot consider it to be a signal that the meal is ready

Kris said...

Like Susie, we not only moved Mom's smoke detector away from the stove and into the edge of the next room, we also bought one that is FOR kitchens with different sensors.

JanF said...

Ours go off if a spider walks through. Our house has several high ceilings with alarms way up. We are going to disconnect all the high ones and buy new to put at a reachable level. We would be lost if a high one went off accidentally during the night. Sometimes I wonder what it does to the spiders- can they hear well?

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...