Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Baby it's cold outside

The temperature dropped dramatically around 2am.

I noticed this, not because I was cold but because a cold wet nose was pressed between my shoulder blades.

To start with if he got cold in the night Beano would try to get under the duvet with us.

This is not allowed so we placed an extra blanket on top of the duvet.

Now if he gets cold his nose between my shoulder blades alerts me to this fact.

I lift up the top blanket and Beano snuggles down on top of our duvet and underneath his blanket.


the veg artist said...

So sweet. I'll bet he's so grateful he came to you.

The Weaver of Grass said...

They are not daft dogs.

justjill said...

Our cat just gets closer to the human body. Good job I dont turn over. But he is on top of the duvet.

flis said...

One of mine climbed up next to me close last night too x

Elaine said...

We humans are funny, I don't in the least mind Toby (dog) nudging me with a cold wet nose, now were it my husband with the cold wet nose he'd soon find himself in the dog house!

LameWolf said...

Aww, bless him. One of my regular canine guests, Sunny the Whippet, does his best to winkle himself under my duvet.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...