Saturday, 18 January 2020

And then he kissed me update

Thank you so much for all your kind comments especially Weaver.

It's baby steps, Steve still has regular melt downs and temper tantrums when he gets frustrated.

He'll never again be the men I married but I'm learning to love the man he has become and a few kisses and cuddles all help.


the veg artist said...

I think frustration at life being changed for you, against your will, is the key. It happened to me 20+ years ago when I developed a disability and I get so annoyed, comparing what I can do now with what I could do before. Accepting the new reality is not always easy!

kate steeper said...

well chuffed , thats a side that has never returned , it just left one day and after 5 years its still frustrating , if i require the allusion of affection i have to ask and with much grumbling he might put an arm round me , it was one of the first symptoms that something was wrong ,but theyre still here and thats the main thing

LameWolf said...

I concur with The Veg Artist's comment; I still rail against Fate and wonder what the hell I did to deserve this. I do try hard not to take it out on my DH though.

Keep buggerin' on, Hester; and keep hoping the tantrums will get less eventually, and the kisses will get more frequent.

Hard up Hester said...

I understand his frustration but find it difficult to bear the brunt of his tantrums, this isn't helped by the knowledge that if the situated were to be reversed, I wouldn't see him for dust. Many years ago I was hospitalised for a week and unwell for some time afterwards he withdrew completely. Wouldn't speak to me wouldn't enter an room I was in, my dd had to care for me as he wouldn't. He doesn't have the mental or emotional strength to cope.

Beacee said...

Your words about learning to love the man he's become are just lovely. Love and prayers for both of you - but the hugs for you, lovely lady. x

LameWolf said...

Oh Hester, that's awful. :-(
What happened to "in sickness and in health"?

Mine knew from day one that I was unwell, and he's always been so good at picking up the slack for me. I got my lupus diagnosis three days before our wedding, and when I told him I said "if you decide you want out, I'll understand", but he said it changed nothing. Now he's got Parkinson's disease, and the GP says we're propping each other up.

Thank goodness for your family - and of course lovely Beano.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the time you have together. My husband had his first stroke in 2003 at age 54. He is now 70 and has had more strokes and TIAs. He has now been in a care facility for two years. I miss him a lot. We have been married 50 years. After his first stroke, he was a changed man, as is your Steve. He changed more and more over time. He has stroke related dementia now and is an angry man. Hug your man. Remember the good times. Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...