Sunday, 5 January 2020

Keeping warm

I've really struggled to keep warm today we let the fire go out this morning so the chimney could be swept, it needs sweeping fortnightly.

Because the fire was out the boat got really cold, when the boat gets cold the table, kindle, in fact everything is cold to the touch. When the fire is re-lit it takes a long time to get the boat warmed through.

When I did manage to get warm I needed to take Beano out for a walk and got chilled through again as the wind is bitterly cold.

I cooked a roast dinner today, I used a chicken breast, Steve didn't enjoy it. Mind yup he's in a bad mood so probably wouldn't have enjoyed anything I cooked.  I did roast veg, parsnip, carrot and brussels, which he didn't like but I did cabbage for him. I also made stuffing balls and Yorkshire pudding.
I defrosted two chicken breasts on Friday and made Chinese style chicken with noodles, Saturday I made piri piri chicken with rice, both these meals were made using one chicken breast, I used the second one today for the roast.


justjill said...

We keep battling on. So difficult Hester. xxx

Jean said...

Your meals sound delicious. We used to live in a caravan and it did get very cold if we let the stove go out but otherwise it was toasty warm, if fact sometimes too warm.

Catriona said...

Your meals sound delicious and nourishing. I never used to feel the cold but we can’t use our motorhome in winter now as I can’t keep warm at night. Hope you have warmed up now.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...