Thursday, 23 January 2020


Early morning phone call from DD2, Dgd Eileen was throwing up, could I possibly look after her so DD2 could go to work.

By the time I got there Eileen was in a lot of pain and had a temperature. DD2 had phoned the Dr's and been advised to take her to the children's A&E.

So a change of plan, I took youngest dgd Suzy to school and DD2 took Eileen to A&E.

After dropping Suzy at school I went to Aldi as it's nearby, just a top up shop.

I arrived home at midday not having had breakfast or even a drink of water. Steve made me a cheese toasty and a cuppa and then we put the shopping away.

DD2 phoned around 3ish to say Eileen had not got appendicitis just a tummy bug and they were home.


Chris said...

Another eventful day in your life, Hester!

lindsey said...

That was nice of your husband to get you something to eat. Good news about your DGD. It’s always a worry when they are not well.

Anonymous said...

We had a similar situation last October.Unfortunately Angus who is 13 did have appendicitis.It burst and then waited 24 hours for surgery.He was very poorly ,in hospital for a week,off school for two weeks no in a lot of pain.Thank goodness you didn't have to endure this. It was very stressful.

busybusybeejay said...

I am not anonymous I am busybusybeejayx!!!

Angela said...

So glad it was just a bug. How lovely to live near enough to your family to be able to help.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...