Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Raising children

I tried to ensure my children had a good start in life.

I always lead by example, do as I do, never do as I say.

I taught them all to cook though one of my son's in law is a chef, so one DD doesn't cook often now.

I taught all of them the basics of sewing. They used to sit on the floor underneath the table and work the foot pedal of my sewing machine when I was sewing.

I read aloud to them until they started secondary school and they still all read for pleasure.

I introduced all of them to live theatre including Shakespeare's plays, they all still enjoy live theatre and one of them now does stand up comedy.

I taught them all the envelope budgeting system and one of them still uses it.

I got all of them through driving tests.

I was very blunt and honest about sex and it's consequences with regards pregnancy and disease.

I taught them all good manners.

I knocked before I went into their bedrooms.

I treated them with respect and expected the same in return.

I know I made hundreds of mistakes but fortunately they all came through relatively unscathed.

Most of all I loved them and still do.


Margie from Toronto said...

Wish that there were more like you nowadays! They always sound as though they are a credit to you when you speak of them and you are still close - which speaks volumes.
Congratulations on a job well done!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

A wonderful example of being a parent. Well done, I'm sure they're all a credit to you and know what you did for them, and love you very much. X

Eleanor said...

You have done your job as mother very well, and more besides. I'm sure your children appreciate all you've done for them.

The Weaver of Grass said...

A good list and plenty of food for thought there.

Theresa Y said...

Thats all any good Mom could do...

Sally said...

Hi Hester, sounds like you did a good job as a mum then and if we never made any mistakes in our lives it would be boring wouldn’t it as you learn from them and so do others. Your children are a credit to you and your grandchildren both birth born, fostered or adopted clearly love spending time with you so please accept that you did good.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...