Monday, 27 January 2020

Parking woes

We had to visit the bank today, there is a large free car park behind the bank.

There were only four empty spaces in the car park.

In the spaces on either side of each empty space there was a large Chelsea tractor parked and each one was parked just over the white line. I could get my car in the space but I was unable to get out of the car myself. Usually I stop and let Steve out and then stay in the car but this time we both needed to go to the bank. 

There are no parking attendants as the car park is free so this is why people park so badly.

It was bloody inconvenient!


LameWolf said...

Tell me about it! You see it in town here, even in the disabled bays at the supermarket - some idiot will park a thundering great 4X4 straddling two bays, rendering them both unusable by people who need enough room to get a wheelchair out. I think some drivers are simply too lazy to check that they're parked properly, and try again if they've parked badly. No consideration for other people whatsoever. Ok, rant over. ;-)

50 and counting said...

I live where there is snow on the ground roughly five months of the year. We lose 30% of the parking spaces due to snowmounds and people who don't remember how wide their vehicles are.

The Alberta new truck parking syndrome is the worst. Once saw a new RAM truck take six spots at Safeway

Chris said...

How about a nasty comment put on their windshield? I saw some hilarious ones on Facebook. Don't know whether they would have any effect but might reduce the frustration level.

mamasmercantile said...

There is nothing worse and a real trial as Gerard needs extra space to be able to get out of the car.

Icey said...

Well, bbet99 is a change from Anonymous!
Inconsiderate parking really winds me up and I don't even need the extra space. Grrr!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...