Friday, 3 January 2020

I tried today, I really really tried.

It was raining when Beano and I went for our first walk of the day but it brightened up by mid morning.

We went to Aldi but they had no coal, I spent £25 on milk, bread and vegetables. I have plenty of meat in the freezer so won't need any shopping for a few days now.

I sorted out my wardrobe and have some clothes to get rid of. I'm helping at a jumble sale tomorrow so I will donate them there.

I also smudged the boat, did a few more rounds of my crochet blanket and spent some time studying my tarot cards.

I'm almost back on an even keel, not happy but at least feeling less bleak. 

Unfortunately Steve has been very stressed today and I feel as though I'm constantly under pressure.

Hopefully my time at the jumble sale tomorrow will cheer me up.


justjill said...

I am with you Hester. xxx

Margie from Toronto said...

Do whatever works best for you. I think there is always a bit of a let down after the holidays, plus your weather is miserable so that won't help.
I hope you enjoy getting out tomorrow - and that you will have more opportunities in 2020 to get away and give yourself a bit of a breather.

Hound of Hecate said...

Which deck do you read with, please?

Hard up Hester said...

The Old Path is the deck I use.

Catriona said...

Sending kind thoughts to you and hope your outing is a success. I am knitting today to use up yarn and to keep my hands busy and my tongue still. It’s dark and dreich here today so being inside is the easiest option. X

Witch Hazel said...

Hope the Jumble Sale goes well.
I'm sorry things are so bleak. I appreciate that you share both the downs and the ups in your blogging, so wanted to say thank you.

JanF said...

I hope you have fun at the CS. At least you will be with other people and get some hopefully interesting conversations.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...