Monday, 9 December 2019

A small taste of my life.

A 40 minute snap shot.

I was writing a shopping list earlier today so whilst I had a pen in my hand I made a few notes.

Steve and I had just got back from a dog walk.

He can't send an email (cos he's trying to sent it via Gmail and he actually uses Yahoo). I swap him over to Yahoo and he sends an email.
He can't get Facebook to work,  he's not online, I sort out his connection.
He turns immersion off, I explain that I want a shower and turn it on again.
He rattles off a list of things he wants added to the shopping list.
He can't send an email, he's trying to use Gmail again, I swap him back to Yahoo.
He turns the immersion off again but hopefully the water is hot enough for me to shower.
He can't get Facebook to work, I get him back online again.
He's complaining about his computer upgrade, he doesn't want to wait until Tuesday.
Why is his upgrade taking so long (it was only ordered yesterday).
He rattles off another shopping list.
He can't find his email, you've guessed it he's using Gmail again, I swap him on to Yahoo.
He can't get YouTube to work. I get it working.
He can't get his new book to download onto his kindle.

And on and on!


jeannemarie said...

I keep a toddler Grandson during the day--this sounds like my day!

WendyT said...

I’ve left you a comment on yesterday’s post as I’ve only just read it, my husband can’t get the hang of things at times and it’s repetitive. Until Steve is accepting that he has a memory problem it will be hard, once my hubby did he’s not as frustrated and will say have you told me this already? I think it may be the look on my face..... not this again look lol. Bless you and take care xx

Pudge450 said...

My friend’s mother-in-law would constantly remove the batteries from the remote control for the TV and then get upset because it wouldn’t work. Very frustrating. We never expect our lives to turn out like this. On a very, very small scale, I am experiencing a situation similar to yours and I am certain it will become worse. I am very concerned. I feel for you.

WorcsAnnie said...

Are these dementia like symptoms part of the stroke or were they present before. I cannot understand your GP saying that he could not have more medication because it was for your benefit. Of course it is for your benefit you are having to deal with all this by yourself.Grrrrr

I cant believe there is no support for you both.

Anonymous said...

That is why my husband wont get his mother (87 years old) a computer or smart phone. She would be calling him hourly and repetitively with questions like this. Just keeping her TV working is a miracle.

She might be able to get some others to help her but it is not guaranteed. Ana USA

Anonymous said...

This could be a account of 40 mins in my life with my husband and he hasn't got any medical problems!! I find it maddening but can't imagine how you cope with Steve. You seem to have the patience of a saint. Hugs Su

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My husband has a memory problem and yes its absolutely exhausting at times. I have to this him every single month how to order his prescription, how to send new emails and generally use the internet. He needed to top up the dart charge the other day and went on a link that wouldn't work. I explained it's a pdf form that you print and send a cheque off with. I redirected him to the credit card top up site ....that he insisted wasn't there when he looked.

Anonymous said...

Keep a daily journal and have him initial all entries..n

Pat said...

Hello Hester, I don't comment on every post so I'm sorry if I'm not as supportive as I could be. As you know it's hard times here too. Sometimes I look at what the other commenters say and think "you just haven't a clue" so I'm probably better keeping quiet sometimes!
Good luck with the suggestion from Anonymous above, a daily journal with Steve initialling all entries! Words fail me!

Deep breaths and carry on - not much else we can do!

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs and good vibes in huge quantities.

I remember when I was dealing with father, uncle and bear when he was a lot younger, and I didn't have a half of what you are dealing with. It is utterly draining and you are dealing with it incredibly well.

Wishing you all the luck in the world. Take care. LM x

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...