Saturday, 28 December 2019

Beano meets Mruczec

We visited DS1 and DIL in Ealing on Boxing day. They hired a car, collected us and delivered us home the following day.

DS1 and DIL have a cat called Mruczec. Beano was polite and inquisitive. Mruczec was totally unimpressed and spent most of our visit sat on the bathroom windowsill!

Beano shared himself out amongst everyone going from lap to lap for cuddles. He was fascinated by the parakeets  on the bird feeder and enjoyed his walks around their garden and on Ealing common. 

I didn't sleep well there because once everyone was in bed Mruczec decided to prowl around to inspect the interlopers in his home and Beano kept growling. I kept a firm grip on his collar as I has visions of him and Mruczec doing a cartoon style wall of death chase around the flat.

We had a lovely time chatting and catching up with news of jobs and holidays. We had roast beef for our evening meal and cold meat, cheese and salad for breakfast.

We were home just before lunchtime and DS1 and DIL drove on to Oxford to do some shopping.


Anonymous said...

Beano sounds like an excellent dog all the way around. I'm glad you get so much enjoyment from him.
Anonymous (but not the mean nasty one)

Hard up Hester said...

Anon, people who post nice comments are always welcome, which is why I don't block all anonymous comments

JanF said...

Sounds like a lovely Christmas, how kind of them to rent a car to collect you!

Chris said...

So nice to be with family on Boxing Day and I'm glad Beano behaved himself. Not so sure about Mruczek but it was his home after all!

M McCarthy said...

What a lovely time with family! Happy Boxing Day!

Catriona said...

What a lovely treat and glad Beano enjoyed it too.

Plodding on.

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