Monday, 23 December 2019

Dancing for joy.

I have a very happy granddaughter.

After reading my post about my granddaughters sharing my love of sewing a very kind and generous blog reader offered me a brand new, still boxed sewing machine!

The machine duly arrived and I delivered it to my granddaughter, she was so excited she insisted that I thread the machine immediately.

I did thread it for her but when I left to return home she was still dancing around the house overcome with excitement.

She did remember to ask me to thank her generous benefactor.

I gather she has since made a dozen scrunchies, added a lace trim to a pair of her sister's shorts and made a dress for her other sister's teddy.


Anonymous said...

Begging now

justjill said...

How lovely. A happy child. Def the bloody anonymous comment above, made me feel sick.

Islandmaid said...

anonymous - What a repulsive comment... sad little thing

HESTER - What a lovely thing to do, donating an unwanted item to help a young person enjoy their new skill/hobby, I hope it’s a long and happy union x

Tracy said...

One day, when she is a grandmother teaching her grandchildren how to sew, she will remember how you taught her and how a kind stranger helped it happen.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. I suggest you swallow a dictionary as I cannot see where Hester is begging, you obviously are unable to find the nuances of the English language. Not 'anonymous' more like 'thicko'.


flis said...

It's kind of your granddaughter to have made things for others also x

Anonymous said...

What kindness there is around - especially from a complete stranger - hope your granddaughter continues to enjoy the machine for many years. Kind regards Cathie x

MargaretP said...

My British Grandmother used to use a word I haven't heard in a very long while "spiteful"
I would say it definitely applies to first comment, who should remember another word Karma"

Lyssa Medana said...

I think your granddaughter sounds amazing. I hope she has endless fun on the machine. There is a lot of good in this world, and I'm glad that your granddaughter can have the benefit of it. Hugs x

Col said...

'Anonymous', you truly are a spiteful, poisonous, vicious bitch aren't you?
What goes around comes around, and I hope I'm there when you get your just desserts, it would be a joy to see.
Now, not to put too fine a point on it, do us all a favour and fuck off you sad, pathetic, insignificant nobody!
To 'Hester' and her many friends worldwide, apart from the cowardly Anonymous posters of course, Merry Christmas!!! X

Margie from Toronto said...

What a lovely thing for someone to have done! Very generous. So glad that your GD will get much use out of it. A very merry Christmas to you, your family and all your readers. Too bad anonymous can't seem to get in the spirit - a very sad person. Ignore!

Elaine said...

I imagine she is fizzing with the excitement of creativity and all that potential. May she and the sewing machine (well done that kind donor, and grandma) enjoy many happy years together.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Dog Lover said...

Dear Hester, what a generous offer your blog reader bestowed upon you, sewing is a skill and leads to a passion, everyone is blessed with her enthusiasm. Take care over Xmas, hugs and blessings.

Catriona said...

What a kind person to give you DGD the sewing machine.I hope she will have many happy hours making useful and beautiful things.

Sue in Suffolk said...

What a lovely early Christmas present for your Granddaughter - and what fun she will have.People can be so kind
Have a good Christmas.

Sewing mamie said...

How lovely , she will be making Christmas presents for everyone next ear .
The anonymous poster must be a very miserable person if they can't see the joy in the post .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, your comments only reflect on your own despicable character.
Hester, what a kind thing for your follower to do and no doubt has sparked off a life long love for your DGD, happy sewing little one.
Lainey x

Anonymous said...

That’s nice. I find that people who sew, love to help a budding sewer get started and are generally very generous with time and equipment. They like to spread the love....
Wanda xx

o Finn said...

What a lovely thing to do from your sewing machine donator x and as for the nasty poster bog of troll

thelma said...

Merry Christmas Hester for a very thought provoking blog, and a lovely generous gesture on the part of the benefactor with the sewing machine.

Carol Caldwell said...

What a lovely post. I would like to add my wishes for a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year. x

Pat said...

Kindness is a wonderful attribute, a lovely gesture by your blog reader.

All best wishes for Christmas and 2020 Hester.

Anonymous - we're not interested in what you have to say, however in the spirit of the season I hope that some peace and kindness enters your soul, enough to erode the unhappiness and bitterness you feel now.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

What a mean spirited person, total opposite to the kind hearted person who gifted an unwanted item. Crawl back in your hole and leave decent people alone.

Christine said...

The true spirit of Christmas. xxx

Amanda said...

People who don't sew don't understand what when you've been bitten by the Sewing Bug, getting that first sewing machine is like getting your first car. It opens up a new world to you, and almost anything becomes possible. Hearing about your GD brings back so many memories of me and my sisters when we got our first machines. It was a real milestone for each of us. I hope you GD enjoys her first machine as much as we did ours.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...