Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Ye God's and little fishes, what a day.

Today has included screaming, shouting and throwing things by Steve.

Cooking Christmas dinner for 45.

Warring volunteers.

Copious amounts of rain.

And winning a box of turmeric tea bags n a raffle.

I think I'll have an early night!


Beacee said...

You got through it all! Well done. Hugs, hugs and more hugs. x

justjill said...

Big hugs. You are a Star.xxx

Chris said...

More, please, about the warring volunteers. Sounds like a situation where, if you didn't laugh, you would cry!

M McCarthy said...

Sending you positive vibes. You are great at perseverance!

Margie from Toronto said...

I think you deserve a large gin!

Diary of a Nobody said...

Your turmeric tea bags is marginally worse than the one I won at the weekend , a free calender from the Chinese take away . Given that I live in France and we don't have a take away goodness knows where it came from and secondly who had the nerve to put it in the raffle .

Anonymous said...

What a day indeed.

I wonder sometimes how you don't scream and throw things!

Caroline x

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending a trailer full of good vibes.

You are awesome, and face challenges head on that I would completely run from. I admire and respect you and you are often an inspiration to me. I think you sometimes need to be reminded that you are such a strong, amazing person who cuts through the rubbish and calls it how it is. You may not feel awesome, but you are. And perhaps you could remind the doctor that you have value as well and perhaps Steve needs a slightly different set of tablets before he does damage.

Hugs x

JanF said...

Christmas dinner for 45! I think I would go into instant panic until New Year.
You are amazing, I hope the support you receive from your admirers on this blog really helps perk up your bad times. You are so honest about sharing them.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...