Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Five Fecking Hours!

Five fecking hours traveling time, a five minute appointment to be told I'm still deaf but I don't need an MRI  scan after all!

I left the boat at midday and arrived back just before 5 o'clock, Steve and Beano had coped ok but we're very worried as I'd been so long.


justjill said...

No suggestion of hearing aids?

Hard up Hester said...

I wear two hearing aids already Jill.

WorcsAnnie said...

Have you given any thought as to what you would do if you were both ill and could no longer manage liveaboard. I really do take my hat off to you, the thought of having to travel for that amount of time just to get to a hospital and back would totally throw me

Wishing you both the very best.

JanF said...

That was such a long time and so worrying for you. It did make me wonder if you could plan ahead for an hour "off duty" at least once a day, one where you can do exactly what you want. If Steve knows it's just for an hour... maybe it could work?

Hard up Hester said...

I try to take the dog for an hours walk as often as I can and Steve is learning to cope with that Jan

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...