Thursday, 19 December 2019

End of an era

Today was Steve's combined works Christmas dinner and leaving do. It has been an emotional day for him, although he doesn't officially finish until 10th January, he probably won't visit again.

I dropped him off at 12 and then Beano and I did a very creditable impression of blue arsed flies, collecting prescriptions, getting them filled, shopping for dog food and orange juice, swapping Beano's new coat for a different one and many other little jobs that needed doing.

We finished in time to collect Steve at 2:30 and came home, Beano had another walk around the marina when we got home. Beano had a mad half hour playing with a new toy, I cooked the evening meal and Steve and Beano are now asleep.


justjill said...

And breathe. Hopefully you will sleep too. xxx

Chris said...

All good things pass but I'm sure there are better times ahead.

JanF said...

That must have been a draining day for you both. I think you did the right thing in not attending the luncheon.

Lyssa Medana said...

Beano is very lucky to have you. Sending hugs x

Plodding on.

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