Wednesday, 11 December 2019


We had dgd with us again today her temperature has reduced but she has earache. We wrapped her up warmly and took her shopping with us.

We bought 5 bags of coal as well as lots of meat, the freezer was sadly depleted, it's now rammed to the gunwhales.

It was hard work, Beano wanted to walk one way, dgd wanted to walk another and Steve was bitching because I wasn't holding the trolley still.

Never mind, all done now. Polling day tomorrow but fortunately my other DD has offered to have all three Dgd's as their school is closed.

I love them dearly but I'm knackered after three days of childcare.

I think I'll try for an early night.


justjill said...

Well done. My youngest and newest grandson is visiting for a few days. With his Mum. I shall be exhausted too.

Sewing mamie said...

Last summer our 7 year old granddaughter stayed with us for six weeks when her mum unexpectedly gave birth to her brother ten weeks early. Situation complicated by the fact they were visiting us in France at the time . It was lovely being able to spend so much time with her but by the end of the six weeks we were on our knees .

Sue in Suffolk said...

Phew - hope you get a rest day today.
They were so easy to look after when I was 30 - can't work out why so tiring now!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...