Friday, 13 December 2019

Political statement

I have only one thing to say about politics.

Politicians are like nappies, they both need changing regularly and both for the same reason.

Things are going to get tougher for those at the bottom of the heap.

I can't do much but there are a couple of things I can do.

Firstly when I help at the jumble sales I buy warm clothes, bedding, coats, gloves, hats etc. At the end of the sale, just before everything is sent for rags I grab anything that looks in good condition, especially smart clothes suitable for job interviews. These are passed on to a local homeless charity. 

Secondly there are items left on a table in the marina, unwanted by people, saucepan, plates etc  my latest find was a set of cutlery in a tray. I make a donation to the marine's chosen charity and pass these items to the homeless charity.

The homeless charity I support not only provides food and clothes they so help people who have been given a roof over their head but have no furnishings. 

Small things but hopefully they will help someone.


TrishWish said...

It will always be the small actions of citizens that will change lives and the world! Well done.

justjill said...

Well done. So desperately sad we have to do this.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Every little helps and it doesn't take a lot of thought to find some way of doing just that.

Anonymous said...

Very well done Hester
Your actions make a difference

JanF said...

I think you are doing a lot to help and thank you for posting what you do, which may help other people get ideas too.

ShellyC said...

Even small pebbles make a ripple, when thrown into the lake of life.

lindsey said...

Every little helps. I never feel as though I put enough into the food bank box at the supermarket but I hope that every little heilpsthe poor souls who have to go to the the food bank. How lucky I am not to need their help.

Lyssa Medana said...

Whenever I shop instore at Tesco I try and put something in the collection box for the food bank. Sometimes it's only a small bar of soap or a packet of instant mash. Sometimes I push the boat out and buy tinned meat or a box of laundry tablets. I get laundry tablets because they can be split up between people who need them. I have a lot to donate and it's getting split between the local children's hospital and the Salvation Army.

It's heartbreaking that it's needed. Thank you for caring, and by talking about it, it may make others think.

I am worried for the future.

Margie from Toronto said...

While my church runs a couple of feeding programs (we feed about 400 people per week) - one of the ministers also keeps a couple of shelves in the walk-in pantry that serves as a "food bank" if people drop in looking for help.
Occasionally we get donations that fill this shelf and the rest of the time people just add items as they are able. Each week as I do my grocery shopping I try to pick up a couple of extras of whatever is on sale and add it to those pantry shelves.
Large charities do a great job but sometimes all those little personal efforts really add up.

Linda Metcalf said...

Helping and giving....that's what it's all about.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...