Thursday, 5 December 2019

Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Plan d.

WorcsAnnie asked what we will do when we cannot manage on the boat any longer.

Plan A was to rent the house out and buy a narrowboat, once Steve retired we planned to travel the waterways.

The tenant we had was a nightmare and Steve had a stroke.

Plan B, sell the narrowboat, sell the house, buy a widebeam. This means we have more living space but we cannot travel as far as we had hoped because of the width of the boat but Steve's disabilities mean we cannot travel as far as we had originally planned anyway.

Plan C when we cannot travel any more we will look for a permanent mooring, still living on the boat but no longer moving on a regular basis.

Plan D when we can no longer live safely on the boat we have a granny flat planned and paid for.


Chris said...

Good to have several options to fall back on.

justjill said...

Have to agree, I just want you around!

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm glad about the plan d,

Your a,b,c,d sound a bit like ours were, just change stroke to cancer.

Hard up Hester said...

We just have to roll with what life throws at us don't we Sue

readlisten said...

I am relieved you have all those options, and the granny flat paid for. Your strength and patience continue to astound me. All the best.

VC said...

Lots of back up plans in place! My husband's sister passed away recently and all the plans she and her hubby of 40+ years made for their very recent retirement have now gone. It's very difficult for you at present and it's good to see you have your plans and you are making the best of it!

TrishWish said...

When I get to plan E, I am going to do the most outrageous thing possible and hope for an early enjoyable exit. Family have strict instructions on care homes or any such nonsense.

Hard up Hester said...

Sounds like a good idea Trish.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful example of positive thinking and I do hope your husbands health continues to improve. Kindest regards Cathie

Plodding on.

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