Tuesday, 3 December 2019

One thing at a time

Although we are in the marina and plugged in to shore power there are still limits to what we can draw.

Tonight we have the little heater on in the bedroom as it is extremely cold. This means we cannot have the immersion heater on at the same time.
I will turn the heater off when I go to bed and turn the immersion on so that we have hot water in the morning.

If it's very cold in the morning I will put the central heating on, but to do this I will need to turn the immersion heater off. 

The same rule applies if I want to use the washing machine, everything else must be turned off.

I also need to check that the shore power hasn't tripped before I do anything, it used to trip out regularly when we first moored here but it's much more reliable now.


justjill said...

There is always something. Soldier on as you do.xxx

Col said...

I am in total awe of your adaptability Sue, I'll freely admit that I wouldn't last for more than a couple of days on a boat in this cold weather!
I get crabby if we forget to change the timer on the central heating and I have to get up to a less than toasty bathroom!
You're a far better woman than I, and I salute you!

Chris said...

Here, here re: Col's comment. Chin up and put your best foot forward.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You are truly amazing, you seem to take so much in your stride.

Hard up Hester said...

We've been on a boat for three years now so I'm used to it.

Many people live in worse conditions.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I think it would be the cold that would make me want to live in a house - well above water, but then in summer I'd want to be back travelling on water again.
Take care on slippery marina

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...