Thursday, 12 December 2019

Plans all awry

We went to DD1's so Steve could do some DIY for her. When we arrived she'd hurt her neck and was in a lot of pain. Her DH had made an osteopath appointment for her and come home from work to drive her to the appointment.

Steve couldn't do the work he'd planned as the wall that was supposed to be solid wasn't! Steve went to vote, the children were happily playing upstairs so I looked after the dogs, there was my Beano, Albie who is a staffy/boxer cross and Lucy, the builders dog. Lucy is a lurcher, she is a rescue and suffers from anxiety, she was also very nervous of Beano. I found out later when speaking to the builder that he has three dogs and one is a Jack Russell and it rules the roost. Jack Russell's do like to be top dog despite or maybe because of their size. When Lucy realised that Beano wasn't going to boss her around she accepted him as a friend.

The three dogs played very boisterously, Lucy kept stealing baubles from the Christmas tree and chasing them around the floor with Beano.

Sometimes Lucy's anxiety got the better of her and she barked a lot, when this happened I put the leads on the dogs and took them for a walk round the block. Actually the dogs towed me round the block but I managed to keep them off the road and out of people's gardens so I'll take that as a win.

The rain was torrential all day today so not only did the dogs and I get piddling wet through when we went for a walk there was also a lot of standing water on the journey home.
We bought the dgd's home with us and gave them lunch and DD2 collected them when she finished work. Hopefully the children will all be back at school tomorrow

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