I have lived in Ruskington, Sleaford, Mitcham, Colliers Wood, Southfields, Wandsworth, Bracknell, Cotham, St Andrews, Patchway, Burnham, Finchampstead, Wokingham and Purley on Thames.
The schools I attended were Quarrington, Alvey, Pollards Hill, Fortescue Road, Balham High and Pelham Girls.
I've worked as a papergirl, hairdresser, shop assistant, filing clerk, telelphonist, receeptionist, veterinary nurse, data inputter, child minder, cable manufacturer/installer, party organiser and reprographics technician. I ran my own business for 15 years and provided cabling for many large companies including Barclays and Bupa.
I've lived in dodgy bedsits, freezing cold flats, maisonettes, a condemned house, a six bedroom house and now on a boat.
I've visited France, Italy, Majorca, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Scotland and Wales. I'm not very well traveled, lack of opportunity rather than lack of interest. I have driven across France and Spain, I have also driven through Paris.
I'm an only child but despite this I was not my mother's favourite, the dog was.
I have had an ectopic pregnancy, an emergency c section due to placenta previa and three straightforward pregnancies resulting in four children.
I'Ve had my tonsils and adenoids removed, an eardrum replaced and a macular traction repair that failed and split my retina.
I have been married twice, divorced once. My first marriage was happy until my FIL died, my then husband was badly affected and became depressed, paranoid and deeply unpleasant, he also developed an obsession with pornography. At the time of FIL's death my youngest was 3 months old.
I'm not a very nice person, I'm sarcastic, irascible and very assertw. I will walk away from most arguments as I cannot be arsed to deal with aggravation. If I don't walk away I will win, no matter what!
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Plodding on.
We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...
As the title says, I have hit a bump in the road, not a physical one, but a bump never the less. Therefore I will not be posting for a while...
I'm staying with my daughter for a couple of days.
A young lad, year 5, cast in the school play as rocking chair. He was supposed to remain quiet and just rock occasionally, instead rocked th...
Gosh!!! all that certainly proves why you are still standing strong with what you have to deal with at present.
I am amazed that you are an only child I imagined you as an older child of a large family that was used to helping out with the little ones etc. Funny the images we have of people.
No shy shrinking violet here then best wishes Hester
Wow-thanks for telling us all about you. I too imagined you must have come from a large family because you are so capable at dealing with everything life puts your way. My mother had two children but most people thought she had only one-my brother. Nature granted us one child and sadly her husband persuaded her that children were not for them. I admire how you just keep on keeping on and I enjoy reading about life aboard.
Quite a life -you are a strong person!!!
“I’m not a nice person” , well karma sure has got you back . Think on that
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And you are a testament to that. Well done Hester.
I think you are a nice person.
Not well travelled? you've been to several more countries than me! and lived in more houses and Lots more schools.
And you also seem nice to me too, despite anons comment!
I think Anon is perhaps not a nice person!
Wow to all the places you have lived, all the things you have done!
By choice we had an only child and loved it, she is married but both decided not to have children.
Not a nice person? Did you make that up about donating to charity yesterday then? I think we can all make up our own minds about whether you're nice or not!
I didn't have much love in my childhood either Hester, in fact it was an awful childhood but it made me even more determined to give my own child a good childhood, to hear her say now that she had a lovely childhood means a great deal to me. Memories of my own childhood won't ever fade but I've come to terms with it now and believe it's made me a stronger person. Perhaps that's the same for you?
I think I can qualify for the title of not well travelled, I've been to Scotland and Wales and had a day trip across the channel to France! I love our green and pleasant land and have no desire to go abroad.
In answer to Anonymous above - we're really not interested in what you have to say. Hester has some lovely supportive commenters and your opinions aren't needed.
Oh my! I have read a few biographies in the past and yours wins the award hands down for 'Potted'. So congratulations and well done!
I always take as I find and I find you a nice, friendly, hard working and charitable lady and not as you describe.
Sue, I suppose I compare myself to my children who have travelled much more widely than I.
Pat, my dad loved me and my mum did too, she just preferred the dog, my childhood wasn't truly awful, I'm sorry that yours was. My abiding memory is of being cold, but that was normal for a 1950's childhood.
How funny that both WorcsAnnie and Catriona imagined me to come from a large family, I didn't enjoy being an only child, that's why I had 4 children.
Thank you Brenda, Frugal, Jill, JanF & Joan.
Anon, if I have personally upset you in some way, my email address is on my blog, feel free to drop me a line and elucidate your grievances.
I think you're a lovely person, maybe because you're a lot like me, family means everything, can be short tempered, and determined to come out on top of any argument. It's to be hoped you and I never argue, we'd be going forever, both determined to win!
A message for anonymous, 'Not one of us care a jot what you think, so why don't you just sod off, remove yourself from the internet, crawl into your nasty dark corner, and make yourself thoroughly miserable!'
I don't know about 'nice' I would go with you are awesome!
We have got one thing in common. I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was about ten-ish. I like your straight speaking, telling it how it is.
Thank you Col, Lyssa and MQ
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