Monday, 30 December 2019


I wasn't feeling too good when I got up this morning, Steve has a nasty cough so I may have been short on sleep.

I decided to have a lazy day, best laid plans and all that.

First I decided to change the bedding, always an exhausting task as the bedroom isn't much bigger than the bed. The mattress needed turning and we left it pulled out for a few hours to allow the condensation behind it to dry out.

Next I sorted out the fridge and prepared meals for the next few days.

Then I noticed the floor was dusty (it's the multi fuel stove, it produces so much ash) so I swept and mopped throughout.

Finally I bottled the last of the blackberry vodka and started off a new batch of clementine gin.

I sat and crocheted a few more rows of my current blanket and binge watched Call the Midwife this afternoon, with my feet up.


justjill said...

Hope you are feeling better now.

Chris said...

Hope you sampled the blackberry vodka while bottling and how soon can you try the clementine gin? Both should work wonders with your present disposition.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. I just really like you and what you have to say. Hope 2020 is an easier year for you.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...