Saturday, 7 December 2019

Feeling unsettled

The marina was burgled last night. Seven boats and a car, broken into and trashed. Many things of value were stolen.
It's not a nice feeling!


Chris said...

Ooh, that's horrible! Were the boats unoccupied? I guess that's why the opportunistic vandals got to work without being observed.

Meanqueen said...

That's awful. We have had break ins in our village, sheds mainly. Nowhere is safe these days.

Hard up Hester said...

Yes only unoccupied boats were targeted and the boats were all in the back basin, so not overlooked.

WorcsAnnie said...

Its horrible when this happens and it seems to be getting worse everywhere especially with Christmas coming.

Do you have something similar to neighbourhood watch where you can look out for each other?

busybusybeejay said...

How awful.There are some really bad people out there.

JanF said...

I am sorry to hear this. It's very upsetting for all of you. We had our fake silver Christmas tree stolen from our front porch right on Christmas Day one year. We were out for the day so knew it was there in the morning.

R's Rue said...

Hugs. ❤️

justjill said...

Sorry to hear that no wonder you are feeling unsettled. I see canal boat owners can vote anywhere and many are doing so in Uxbridge Mr Johnsons seat. Hope you find that funny as I did.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs and good vibes x

Mo Finn said...

Oh so sorry to hear that; such scum enterties around that want to ruin other peoples lives and properties, sending love and strength to you both x

Lynda said...

I'm so sorry. It makes it that much harder to go away and leave the boat,
at least it would for me. I hope everything is ok
and that the marina is upping their security.
Ignore the negative comments please. It's your life.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...