Sunday, 29 December 2019

According to the scientists

Troubles don't come in threes but humans are predisposed to look for patterns.

That's good then!

My cooker turned up its toes just before Christmas.

My wheel bearings are going.

I broke a front tooth yesterday.

Does this mean there could be more troubles to come, I hope not. I know none of the above are life threatening, they are just inconvenient, expensive and a bloody nuisance.


cumbrian said...

That's your 3, no more until next year.

Col said...

@cumbrian, Yeah, but it's next year in three days!!!! Hopefully, 'Hester' will get all of 2020 problem free, she certainly deserves it!!!!

lindsey said...

No, that’s your lot. No more problems for you 👍. Funny how we never say that good things come in three. I think I will start that as a saying 🤣

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Agreed, not life threatening, just a bloody nuisance. Hope some good luck comes you way.

Anonymous said...

"cumbrian said...
That's your 3, no more until next year.

29 December 2019 at 08:35"

Don't listen - that's only 2 days! ;)

Take care


JanF said...

I hope you can get the tooth fixed without it costing a fortune.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...